Art to Kindergartens

In the Art to Kindergartens project brought art based on children’s ideas and thoughts to five kindergartens selected through an open call. Murals and other art pieces were created by professional artists.
Murals brighten up the environment of kindergartens and bring new ideas to children’s daily play with their functionality: various games can be played with the motifs of the works, and some of the works also includes movable and palpable parts.
The children’s ideas were collected from drawing, coloring and observation tasks given to children, as well as by interviewing the children. The artists of the project designed the works based on the materials.
The project was implemented with a grant from Taike – Taiteen edistämiskeskus.
Kindergartens and artists involved in Art to Kindergarten project:
Päiväkoti Kotikallio, Helsinki, artist Tuuli Huovila
Päiväkoti Perhonen, Helsinki, artist Essi Ruuskanen
Päiväkoti Pajamäki, Helsinki, artist Alonso Bravo
Päiväkoti Ahti, Helsinki, artists Antonia Lev and Stepa Aifo
Päiväkoti Nikinmäki, Vantaa, artist Roosa Kontiokari