LURKER at Pasila Urban Art Center 15.10.-14.11.2020
About thirty years ago I drew a marvelous ball-headed guy in high school. It was forgotten for years, until it was recreated in the form of stickers in 2002-2003. Through the years it has gone through many different phases. It has tried to hang out in multiple places.
The most kick-ass things for me have been Kiasma and Baana. In addition to that it has ended up in multiple surfaces. On vinyls, crash rally cars, skateboards, snowboards, army’s bags, tiles, pins and wherever. Kovimmat jutut tietty itelle oli Kiasma ja Baana. Sen lisäks se on päätynyt vaikka mille pinnoille. It has been made a little animation, it has been casted in bronze, it has been on adventures in the form of dozens of needle-felted characters. It hangs out in stickers and art pieces also with other characters.
This summer it was in Kerava in purkutaide project at Taiteenkotitalo!
“LURKER” kicks a bit suddenly and quickly. Most of the works have never been exhibited anywhere before (if social media doesn’t count). The works have been exhibited since 2004.